90 08:59 0% The Fortunate 1 A child that is born out of wedlock or who is abandoned by at least one parent 2 An offensive person (Full Transfer – Xalas Authorised)
14 07:43 0% Nidalee – A diva of a gay man who must have everything his way, and who is overly dramatic The gay equivalent to calling a woman a princess Of The Jungle [Studio Fow]
21 07:21 0% 1 Homosexual Specifically, a homosexual man Derogatory Synonyms Yaoi Cartoon Compilation #1
15 03:24 0% 3D The Japanese word for hermaphrodite, meaning literally, “dual forms” In hentai anime, futanari characters are women equipped with large penises These characters present an optical illusion to the male psyche Monster Dick Cumshots!
17 08:47 0% One who has the fetish ursusagalmatophilia, in which people wear downy costumes to either dry hump or have anonymous sex with other furries Also includes people who likes to have sex with stuffed animals Animation/Gif Compilation