Mama x Holic: Miwaku no Mama to Amaama Kankei The Animation is a novelty from PinkPineapple studio and directed by Araki Hideki released at the end of November 2021 based on the visual novel of the same name by Atelier Kaguya studio. In 2019, based on the first novel, “Love x Holic: Miwaku no Otome to Hakudaku Kankei The Animation / Love and Passion: A Hot Relationship with a Charming Young Lady”was released. From the first part, we know: …Year: 2021 Year.
Source: Vn Game
Genre: Fantasy, Elf, Big tits
Duration: 1ep. 25min.
language: RAW
Quality: WEB-720PXRelease date: 2021
Original name: Mama×Holic ~魅惑のママと甘々カンケイ~ THE ANIMATION
English name: Mama x Holic: Miwaku no Mama to Amaama Kankei The Animation
Director: Araki Hideki
Studio: PinkPineapple