“Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho: Hyakkiya Hikari no Kyoukai Jikenbo” is a new hentai based on the CGI story of the same name by B-qoon in May 2021. The action of the story takes place in the town of Azamati which mostly live girls-cats. The main character of hentai him-a girl named Ha yakutia Hikari works as a detective in her own detective agency “Hyakkiya Tantei”. The girl investigates various mysterious incidents in the city, which are somehow …Year: 2021 Year.
Source: Manga
Genre: Big tits, Oral sex, Monster girl. Nekomimi
Duration: 2ep. 25min.
language: Subbed
Quality: WEB-720PX
Release date: 2021/06/25
Original name: 身体で解決 百鬼屋探偵事務所 ~百鬼屋 光の妖怪事件簿~ 第三話 分福茶釜殺人事件
English name: Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho: Hyakkiya Hikari no Youkai Jikenbo
Director: COME ON 勃つ男
Studio: COME ON 勃つ男